Summary Sunday, November 9-15 2014

Today we're starting a new post series, called Summary Sunday. An idea submitted by our media guru Mike Faga, every Sunday we'll look back at what went on in the world of Aaron Carter the previous week. 

This past week...

Aaron performed 5 shows from #ACWWT

And Pat Solo, who is featured on Aaron's new song OohWee, joined the tour (below picture is from his instagram)

iampatsolo's photo on Instagram

Speaking of the #ACWWT, this past week was a busy one for deals and contests for tickets for the upcoming shows! Not only were there a number of show or city specific deals tweeted about by Aaron this past week, but he also had his "most #insane #VIP Package #Contest EVERRR". 


Not only did Aaron offer a free category upgrade to the first 20 people who purchased a VIP package after the contest was announced, but later that night Aaron announced he was adding another 10 people to the contest, and the next morning announced that ANOTHER 10 lucky people would get this upgrade. 

Obviously following Aaron on social media has it's perks (he announced the contest on both facebook and twitter). Also obvious is how much Aaron appreciates his fans, it's rare to find a celebrity so willing to have as many contests as Aaron does, making his VIP accessible to more of his followers. 

In less tour related news, fans who follow Aaron's twitter were treated to the surprising announcement:


I'd love to hear the story behind that tweet!

Also, this week Aaron was interviewed by Creative Loafing Atlanta. The article covering the interview, entitled, Aaron Carter wants you to call him discusses Aaron's difficulties in getting his fans to accept that he's not just the kid we all love from the 90's anymore. I highly recommend reading it if you haven't already. 

One of the article's last lines is a quote from Aaron, ""It doesn't stop ringing, and I don't stop picking it up," he says. "I always pick it up"". Speaking of Aaron picking up his phone, this week he posted his number on twitter again, telling fans to facetime him. As of posting, the tweet is still up, so hurry and write down the number!


That's it for this week, but be sure to check back on the 23rd for another Summary Sunday!




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