December 2017 Summary - Part 1
This is part one of our summary of Aaron's December 2017. Check out other summary posts here!
Three huge things happened this month. Aaron turned 30, Aaron released a new single - "Don't Say Goodbye" - and Aaron announced that he plans to tour in 2018! Aaron's December was so big, we're splitting the summary into two parts! Keep reading for part one, covering his new song and tour announcement, or click here for part two, which covers his birthday and everything else he did this past month!
Aaron started December off with exciting news, announcing the December 8th release of his new single, "Don't Say Goodbye" on December 4th in his first tweet of the month. We covered that announcement here and we covered the song release here. If you haven't listened to the track yet, check it out at one of the links below:
Apple Music:
Amazon Music:
Aaron shared the below promo image in many tweets, including the announcement as well as changing his cover photo on twitter and facebook to a second promo picture, also below.
He shared this promo image in many tweets, including the announcement.
He also changed his cover photo on twitter and facebook to this second promo picture.
Aaron spent a lot of time this month promoting the song, both before and after its release. He called on fans to share the links for the song, and even did a following-spree of fans who shared during a certain half hour period. Showing some #fanlove , he also retweeted one fan's excited tweet about being followed by Aaron, as he promised. He also retweeted numerous fans' support of his single, and their tweets directing others to the song links.
He didn't just ask fans to share links though, he also asked fans to share their thoughts of the song. He tweeted to fans asking, if they bought the song on iTunes, "please leave a review on there and let me know what you think!". He also sent out three separate tweets asking for fans' thoughts on the song. Tweets are embedded below so you can reply directly and share your love of his new song with him!
One of Aaron's other promo tweets teased more news of his upcoming album, saying to follow him on spotify "for updates on my album coming in 2018!"
A number of Aaron's tweets and facebook page posts shared the song's achievements as well. You can see the highlights of those posts below!
One of the achievements Aaron posted about was spotify featuring "Don't Say Goodbye" on their New Music Friday. It was in a tweet about this on the 8th that Aaron acknowledged that the initial song release was without his vocals. The error was quickly fixed and on the 9th, Aaron announced that his lead vocals were re-added. If you only heard the song without vocals, make sure you check out the full track as well! It is possible sites other than spotify experienced this initial glitch. The full track is definitely worth listening to!
Aaron didn't only share official achievements of the song though, he also shared tweets of fans support and commendation of the song as well as retweeting a post showing internet celebrity Chris Crocker enthusiastically lip-syncing to the new track. Check out their exchange below:
That exchange happened on December 27th. Also on the 27th, the lyric video for "Don't Say Goodbye" was released on youtube!
Aaron tweeted about the song on a more personal note on the 7th and 12th of December. On the 7th he shared that the song doing well is representative of how well he's doing now, and that it feels great to be in a good place after the issues he's faced this past year. On the 12th he revealed that his new song "really expresses what I’ve been feeling the last few months".
In other song related news, on the 27th Aaron tweeted in search of a fan made cover of "Don't Say Goodbye" that he could feature on his instagram. When someone tweeted at Aaron saying "yeah there is a lot of great voices out there that want to be heard" Aaron replied, explaining "That’s why I’m sharing them". These tweets are shown below.
Aaron also shared several covers of the song on his twitter page. Check those tweets out below, and check out the covers too!
Besides this, Aaron shared a short clip of a fan singing along to "Don't Say Goodbye" and tweeted encouragement at her for posting. That exchange is below.
Aaron's other big news of December was semi announcing a 2018 tour, with a tweet asking where he should preform in 2018.
He tweeted this question at 5:24 PM on the 28th and spent the subsequent hours retweeting numerous fan requests of locations that he visit on the tour. He kept this up until 2:27 AM on the 29th, when he tweeted "Goodnight" before logging off for the evening. Besides just retweeting fan suggestions, he also added comments and reacted to a few, and replied to a tweet from a fan telling him to tour "Where YOU will be happiest." Aaron's reply was "Anywhere on tour is good for me", showing his love and dedication to his fans and his music. To Aaron, location doesn't matter, fans and his music do.
That's not all Aaron did this month! Click here for part 2 of our December summary!
And check back next month for the next summary, and to hopefully see where Aaron ends up touring next year!